Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What is the American Dream?

 Horatio Alger’s idea of the American dream revolutionized the goals of Americans from the 1930s to present day.  Compared to now, the 1930s American dream was very basic. People just wanted to make just enough money to get by.  Due to the great depression Americans in the 1930s tries to cope through it by investing their stocks in stocks and auto mobiles.  The basic American dream in the 1930s is a simple life, a dream of owning a farm and having a family.        
            Later in the 1940s, World War 2 was upon many countries and influenced the American dream because the majority of the money in America’s economy was out towards the war.  The American dream advanced from people just supporting themselves to supporting a family as well as themselves, and obtaining a well-paying career after the war. 
            In the 1950s, not only did families start to gain better lives, but the economy and industry grew exponentially as well.  People started purchasing goods that were not available during the war, because of this the American dream shifted from a simple family life to owning luxuries materials such as a television and new automobiles.
            In the 1960s the hippie era had a big upturn on the American dream. The dream in the 60s was enjoying life without any concerns or worries, while not conforming to society.
Jimmy Hendrix and The Beatles had a huge influence on this era due to their music that inspired people to live a nonconformity lifestyle.
            In the 1970s people wanted to party. Disco clubs along with attire of bellbottom pants, t-shirts, earth shoes, and gypsy dresses became of rage. Nontraditional shoulder length hair   became the norm as the American shifted to having an RV, going on vacations and just living to party
            In the 1980s sports and technological advances had a major influence on the new era. Basketball and baseball were the biggest sports of this new era.  It seemed like everyone dreamed of being a professional athlete and making millions. People during this time had intentions of having things like office computers, camcorders and video games.
 The 1990's was the year of electronics. One major invention of the 1990's was the World Wide Web, in 1992. By 1998 100 million people were online which was an improvement from 3 million in 1994. During this time the American dream went mainly back to the more contemporary way of having a good job and house with a family.

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